Ride Along With Me

A Traveling Teacher's Trek of Discovery, Rediscovery, Felines Frolicking, and Fun

Monday, June 14, 2010

Costs Rising - Looking for Solutions

Ante up Photo by Diane Frymire ©2010

New news from the RV repair shop - additional repairs needed including resealing the roof, replacing the air conditioning, repairing the refrigerator. Add that to the new carburetor, fixing the electrical and various other things and the cost comes to about $4000. Ouch!

My hesitation to go ahead is based on the cost of gas to actually use the RV, other expenses like food, and the fact that right now I do not have a job. Minor details! I even offered the RV guy to work it off, but he turned me down. I even offered to make them a website, but they already have one:  Crest RV.

Needless to say (so why am I saying it???), I'm a bit discouraged, looking for solutions, hanging on to hope.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Home Again to Return Again

There is a verse that says, "Blessed are they that swear even to their own hurt." To me this is about not making empty promises and keeping your word even if it causes you some problems.

I am taking that step ahead to keep my word. The RV trip will begin in the next two weeks. I'm vague only because I have homework and packing to do.

Time in Orlando has been amazing, encouraging, and inspiring. I still have no idea what will be happening in the next few months with work, money, anything. I do know that I have a lot of generous friends who have offered food, shelter, parking and generally great positive support.

Since I left my kitties behind to fly to Orlando, a piece of my heart is calling me back to California. Thankfully I won't have to leave them again.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Full Sail Fantasies...

GRADUATION DAY! The best thing about it was seeing classmates and professors finally in person! Orlando may be rainy, muggy, and hot, but sunshine is what I feel inside.

The Odyssey continues.... I will finish this after dinner tonight!  Stay tuned!

Orlando Odyssey!

After some turbulence, the arrival in Orlando was a lovely site.  The journey here has been so much more than miles.  Even the trip showed how much this journey at Full Sail University has changed me.

A recent eighth grade graduate sat next to me on the plane.  His name was Bobby. I told him that I was graduating, too. He was fascinated with the word game I was playing on my iPhone so we began to chat. What a thoughtful young man! He asked me about each of the game apps I had.  Then, I let him play 'Paper Toss'. I almost didn't get my phone back because he became so engrossed in the directionality of the wind and how it affected the paper wad!

My knowledge of today's technology has made it so much easier to communicate with kids. There is a connection there that is wonderful, enjoyable, and satisfying.

Today was another beginning. The flight was more than a trip across the country, it was a trip in the 'right' direction. I arrived to see my dear brother, Andrew, in person. Then I watched Margaret arrive. Both of them dear friends that I had only seen in pictures, heard their voices, chatted online. At Andrew's home, his beautiful wife, Keri, his mom, and their kitties, Lily and Cleo. There they were, and it felt like I was home. They are home!

Tomorrow we walk together to celebrate this year. Doors are opening.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Fly Away Bamboo Babe!

"Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure... than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat." ~Teddy Roosevelt~

Bamboo is flexible, but extremely strong. I wish to be like bamboo. Perhaps the 'Bamboo Babe'! As the bamboo bends in the winds of change, Grasshopper, I, Bamboo Babe, also adjust to the unforeseen. As the great philosopher, Lenny Kravitz, said in his song Fly Away, "I wanna get away!"

Trust, but expect the unexpected. Kung Fu wisdom still applies. After all of the unexpected, I've caved and bought a ticket to Orlando leaving Thursday, June 3rd. I intend to use the extra couple of days to be more prepared and take care of some paperwork at home.

My friend, brother and 'chauffeur', Andrew will graciously not leave me stranded at the airport.   Margaret will meet me in Orlando. We will graduate and, maybe, take off on another adventure up the East coast. Should make for some interesting stories. The cats will stay home for a bit longer. Though I will miss them, they will be in loving hands.

The RV trip WILL happen. I am 'Bamboo Babe'! For now, the blog continues with the... unexpected!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Destined to Travel Alone

Margaret is too valuable! Everyone wants her. Right now, her school district wants her to do more work. This means that she will not be able to join me. Welcome to my roller coaster! I hear the song by Willie Nelson, "On the Road Again... " with new lyrics: "On my own again!"

We had training today. I wisely got my toes painted at lunch. They must look good for the long drive. Then I drove adventurously through unknown streets to avoid the exploded tanker on the 91 freeway. I couldn't let a little traffic stop me from getting my car checked for the trip.

Ahhh! Waiting in the Honda dealership for two hours was interesting. The TV was on crime shows and I listened to a man with a faded orange turban play on his cell phone. The beep, beep, beeping just kept going and going. Funny how such a small sound can seem so loud after a while. The icing on the cake was the serviceman's announcement that I needed 3 new tires.  The fourth was replaced when it went flat a few months ago. I usually like watching "Bones", but this time I just wanted to go home for a nap.

Since I just found out this morning that Margaret won't be joining me... again, I haven't completely decided when I will leave. Probably Sunday morning will be best because I need Saturday to rest somewhat.

After my last post, my friend, Dawn, called and offered to help me have a garage sale Saturday. One thing I have wanted to do is de-clutter. This is a great opportunity to get some needed cash and clean house. Hopefully I'm up to it because right now I just want to sleep!

Thursday, May 27, 2010


So, perhaps, I should have known when Margaret had to take care of other plans that something was wrong. Robert, the RV serviceman, gave me the news in a very gentle way. I think he's had practice with giving bad news. I'll spare you the details, but it basically needs a new carburator, fuel filter and sundry items.  They all add up to over $2000. Final nail...it cannot possibly be ready until at least Tuesday.  Graduation is on Friday and I do not believe that I could make it on time.

In shock from the estimate, I called Margaret again. Since she is driving anyway, we agreed to go together to make it to graduation. We will either take my car to Florida or her rental. I'm still processing the whole situation, but I could leave my car in Florida and return to get the RV after graduation. This would provide an opportunity to do some more work on my home before returning. Plus, the cats will have to stay home a bit longer.

I haven't given up on the RV trip, yet. I just need some creative ways to fund it. Any ideas?