Ride Along With Me

A Traveling Teacher's Trek of Discovery, Rediscovery, Felines Frolicking, and Fun

Thursday, May 27, 2010


So, perhaps, I should have known when Margaret had to take care of other plans that something was wrong. Robert, the RV serviceman, gave me the news in a very gentle way. I think he's had practice with giving bad news. I'll spare you the details, but it basically needs a new carburator, fuel filter and sundry items.  They all add up to over $2000. Final nail...it cannot possibly be ready until at least Tuesday.  Graduation is on Friday and I do not believe that I could make it on time.

In shock from the estimate, I called Margaret again. Since she is driving anyway, we agreed to go together to make it to graduation. We will either take my car to Florida or her rental. I'm still processing the whole situation, but I could leave my car in Florida and return to get the RV after graduation. This would provide an opportunity to do some more work on my home before returning. Plus, the cats will have to stay home a bit longer.

I haven't given up on the RV trip, yet. I just need some creative ways to fund it. Any ideas?


  1. Ah geez! Bend with the wind! I don't have creative ways to fund things at the moment. Hang in there!!!

  2. Sorry about the bad news. It still seems like the you are getting the RV (bid + repairs) for a pretty good price. I am sure you will find a creative solution. Hope you still plan on swinging through Albuquerque.
