Ride Along With Me

A Traveling Teacher's Trek of Discovery, Rediscovery, Felines Frolicking, and Fun

Monday, June 14, 2010

Costs Rising - Looking for Solutions

Ante up Photo by Diane Frymire ©2010

New news from the RV repair shop - additional repairs needed including resealing the roof, replacing the air conditioning, repairing the refrigerator. Add that to the new carburetor, fixing the electrical and various other things and the cost comes to about $4000. Ouch!

My hesitation to go ahead is based on the cost of gas to actually use the RV, other expenses like food, and the fact that right now I do not have a job. Minor details! I even offered the RV guy to work it off, but he turned me down. I even offered to make them a website, but they already have one:  Crest RV.

Needless to say (so why am I saying it???), I'm a bit discouraged, looking for solutions, hanging on to hope.


  1. Owwwwwwwwwch. I will be hoping that other door opens for you!

  2. God doesn't close a door without opening a window!! Hang in there!

  3. Oh, Diane. We are sooooo sorry. Our prayers are at work. Love, Sonja and Howard

  4. Take on one fix at a time. Eventually you will be ready to go.
