Ride Along With Me

A Traveling Teacher's Trek of Discovery, Rediscovery, Felines Frolicking, and Fun

Friday, May 21, 2010

RV Rides Home Saturday!

Saturday is the day the lovely, scary RV will roll onto Lincoln Avenue with its giant, imposing presence!  My neighbors warned me about other neighbors who complain about RVs parked near their homes. "You must put a sign on it when it's on Lincoln that you are 'Loading and Unloading' or you'll get a ticket!" Thus begins the next phase of my adventure--Parking!! Wait! I have to learn how to actually drive it first!

Many warm wishes and wary warnings have whisked past my ears since I so recklessly bought this RV sight unseen. Yes, I did. I believe! I believe it will be fantastic.

Tomorrow I will take it to the mechanic.  Let's get real, though.  What's really important is the technology! A proper CD player with MP3 hook up must replace that 80s cassette player.  The 'aoooogah' horn must be tested for appropriate shock value. Then, my personal touch must be applied to those lovely 80s fake wood paneling and table. After all, I will need to look good and enjoy my podcasts if it actually, Lord forbid, breaks down!

The cats have no idea what's coming. They blissfully sleep while I wonder if the anti-stress kitty calmer I will slip into their water will do the trick. Last night I had a dream that Buddy was meowing the entire trip. Oh the horror! Will he try to cuddle on my lap and look out the window? Should I buy kitty seat belts?

Let the RV training begin!

My Kitties

Buddy, my sweetheart! He actually gives me a kiss when I ask, but doesn't always come when called. He doesn't like his picture taken.

Baby, aka Crook, my big baby! He is a big kitty with a tiny meow. He's shy and likes to hide underneath blankets...on top of you.

Tippy, my heart! Poor little thing has turned into a butterball which makes it uncomfortable when she wants to sleep on my chest. She is the most adorable kitty that even cat avoiders love her!


  1. Hopefully all will go well at the mechanic and you will become an expert driver quickly. I am still nervous to drive my van while pulling the pop-up trailer. Let the adventure begin!

  2. Best wishes today as you pick up the RV! I am sure it will go well and you will be on your way to sunny Florida soon.

  3. Best wishes today as you pick up the RV! Just a few more days and you will be on your way to sunny Florida.

  4. Sorry for the double post! Thought my first one disappeared into the darkness, but then suddenly they were both there. Forgive me, for I am new at this blog posting thing. Not as tech savy as my wonderful husband :)

  5. I don't know if you will have a CB but you will need a CB handle!

  6. We had CBs when I was a kid. My handle was 'Chickadee'!

  7. Hi Diane! I finally got a few minutes to read your blog (home computer still off being fixed by hp). I'm so excited for you and your adventure. Know that you have a stop in mid-west Kansas if you want/need it. Can't wait to hear about your travels and experiences!

